It is one of the fact that some students are afraid of studying. The reasons behind that are broader, sometimes students find it hard while other hesitate to practice because they get bored. In this blog you will get to know the reasons behind the fear of the students and how parents can overcome it.
Studying is not a hard task, but the thing which student needs to understand is to be confident and try practicing different strategies. Studying consist of such content which is constantly repeating but our hesitant behavior restrict us to know deep about it.
Most of the times emotional component come in the way of studying and it leads to stress and anxiety. Very few students does not like studying because they don't want to study. Majority of the cases are related to mental stature. Those students should be inquired who do not opt to study by choice.
The parents should take the mental health of the Kids seriously and should ask them about their hesitation in studies. The should be asked specific questions like "What is the reason behind the lack of interest in studies" or "What are some of the reasons which limit their interest" or "What they think about studying". The expected answers to this questions can be "its boring", "hard to understand", "stressful", "not important" and "Consumes time".
Majority of the students can come up with the above excuses. This is not something that cannot be fixed. There are several techniques and strategies which should be used to fix these problems. Some of the strategies are as follow:
When you as a parent feel that the student is getting bored or is complaining for longer duration of the study. Then it is important to help him get out of this situation. In this situation "chunking" technique is one of the best, in this way the content is divided into different sub topics and the time is minimized for it. In other words, the long sessions are ignored and smaller ones are preferred. This techniques provide the students an opportunity to get fresh in between and initiate some interesting strategies for learning.
The students can feel the stress of studying and compiling assignments in the later stages of the sessions or courses. To combat this situation the students should initiate their tasks on time and should progress with every passing session. In this way the stress can be controlled which can appear in the end of the course.
The students should be relaxed while studying and they should not feel rushed. Secondly, it is important for a student to have a proper sleep on the exam night.
Majority of the students have the mentality that the study won't help them and this is because they don't know about the real advantage of the study. Secondly, they don't know how to study effectively like managing the time, content and dividing the course into chunks. By applying effective study techniques the students will know about the amazing features of studying.